
Free Download Face of Our Father Books

List Epithetical Books Face of Our Father

Title:Face of Our Father
Author:G Egore Pitir
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 376 pages
Published:September 4th 2014 by Effertrux Publishing
Categories:Thriller. Mystery Thriller. Drama. Adventure. New Adult. Adult Fiction
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Face of Our Father Paperback | Pages: 376 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 271 Users | 4 Reviews

Chronicle As Books Face of Our Father

Pitir does it again! Some authors speak of genre bending, some authors prove it. After winning the 2015 Best Indie Book Award for Action/Adventure and receiving the B.R.A.G. Medallion, FACE OF OUR FATHER was just awarded the Bronze Medal for Popular Fiction by the 2016 eLit Awards. This novel has it all. One part "The Bourne Identity," one part "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy," and one part "The Notebook," this poignant tale leaves the reader haunted by its characters long after the novel's final page has turned. Stuart and Angela Pierce, like many disillusioned careerists, are busy reinventing their lives. Stu reduces his airline flying schedule to train for triathlons, while Angie escapes the daily horrors of a prosecutor's job to pursue pro bono work. But death threats soon prove that the only thing Angie escaped was the protective arm of the District Attorney's office. With a graphic photo of a ritual stoning Stu's only tangible clue, he sets out to protect a wife who refuses to protect herself. Obsessed with catching a murdering rapist, Angie plunges them both into a web of global intrigue. But who, indeed what, is the real enemy? Honor. Love. Life. All are at stake as the Pierces struggle to uncover the truth, both the enemy's, and their own. Sometimes the biggest enemy can be the one right next to you... FACE OF OUR FATHER is too literary to be a thriller, yet too thrilling to put down-a unique blend of action and intimacy-a thriller with a soul. How often does fiction change how we define integrity, prejudice, and evil? To get at all that, a novel needs a rollercoaster of a plot coupled with an acute understanding of identity, love, and where these intersect. Test your beliefs. Read it.

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Rating Epithetical Books Face of Our Father
Ratings: 4.11 From 271 Users | 4 Reviews

Criticize Epithetical Books Face of Our Father
The plot had much potential, but something was lacking with the delivery. It takes a bit to get into, but the pace picks up.

The plot had much potential, but something was lacking with the delivery. It takes a bit to get into, but the pace picks up.

Face of Our Father intertwines the stories of three different groups: Stu and Angie, a married couple struggling to connect truthfully with each other under the guise of keeping secrets for protection; a Saudi Prince with his own agenda; and a group of Afghan terrorists hell bent on revenge against America. Throughout the book, the story jumps between these three, with little reason given as to the actual connection.The writing itself is very good. Clear visualizations can be made from the vivid

There must have been interconnections between subplots that I missed when reading the book. I can't decide whether to go back and read it again or just move on. I read the blurb several times and I thought the conflicts and interrelationships between Stu and Angie would be clear, but they weren't for me. Stu and his issues were clear, but I never did figure out Angie's problem with the DA office, or perhaps that's because I was reading too much Stu. I did figure out the interconnection between

Winner of the Best Indie Book Award!

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