
Books Online Free The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3) Download

Itemize Of Books The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3)

Title:The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3)
Author:Robert A. Heinlein
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 388 pages
Published:June 1st 1988 by Ace Books (first published January 1st 1985)
Categories:Science Fiction. Fiction. Science Fiction Fantasy. Fantasy. Time Travel. Speculative Fiction. Audiobook
Books Online Free The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3) Download
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3) Paperback | Pages: 388 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 20161 Users | 665 Reviews

Narration During Books The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3)

There is a saying that when pizza is good, it is great, and when it’s bad it’s still pretty good. This saying may also apply to RAH titles.

This is not one of his greatest, but not bad either, pretty good. Heinlein's the world as myth concept, imaginative and entertaining is as good as his earlier work, even though this is a product of his later, weirder phase. The return of some older RAH characters is also fun. Books about time travel are always confusing, maybe by default (see Piers Anthony Bearing An Hourglass) and this one is no exception.

This one takes a while to really get moving, but at the end of the day is goo SF. Like many of his post 1970 writings, Heinlein had taken a turn towards the bizarre, but if a reader is patient enough a good read can be had.


Define Books Toward The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3)

Original Title: The Cat Who Walks through Walls
ISBN: 0441094996 (ISBN13: 9780441094998)
Edition Language: English
Series: The World As Myth #3, Lazarus Long
Characters: Richard Ames

Rating Of Books The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3)
Ratings: 3.7 From 20161 Users | 665 Reviews

Commentary Of Books The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (The World As Myth #3)
There is a saying that when pizza is good, it is great, and when its bad its still pretty good. This saying may also apply to RAH titles. This is not one of his greatest, but not bad either, pretty good. Heinlein's the world as myth concept, imaginative and entertaining is as good as his earlier work, even though this is a product of his later, weirder phase. The return of some older RAH characters is also fun. Books about time travel are always confusing, maybe by default (see Piers Anthony

I remember liking this book less when I read it long ago. Robert A. Heinlein's "World As Myth" series doesn't appeal to me and I tend to prefer the older juvenilia and middle novels much more. The thing is, I've become such a fan of his, and particularly of his wonderful characters, that the opportunity to meet most of the characters from most of his novels again was a happy one.I wouldn't suggest this book for anyone not already a serious Heinlein fan. I imagine it would be pretty much a

So, this book was going to be a three-star review, and swerved into 4-star territory at the last minute. This is a characteristically weird and fantastic piece of sci-fi from Heinlein, and I think my major problem with it is that I should have read most of his other work before reading this one. There are apparently a number of recurring characters that this book ties together, and I've never met most of them before.

This was Heinlein's penultimate novel, and is very interesting in the way it fits in with the rest of his works both philosophically and contextually, though it's not nearly as good a novel on its own as most of his others. He had reached a point in his career where he could stipulate that the book had to appear as he wanted it without editorial interference, and I believe that may have worked against him in this case. The dialog between the married couple is extremely awkward and overly

Undecided rating. 5 stars for dialogue. 5 stars for Mike the Computer but Negative 5 for that plot thread never obtaining resolution(??).

I'm going through my Heinlein collection trying to decide what, if any, to hold on to and what to toss. This one is being tossed. I can only assume that the publisher took this because they figured the author's name would sell enough to give them a profit. They must have been aware the book was poorly written. Or perhaps they knew Heinlein was dying (if he were, this is a guess) and so respected him they took the book anyway. I doubt this but suppose it is possible. One item that I find

This was my very first RAH book...the one that got me hooked. I thought it had a cool cover and was in the discount bin so I had just enough for it. I was 15. I couldn't put it down. Since then, I've read almost everything he has written and have loved every single one!

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