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Original Title: Rabbit Angstrom : The Four Novels : Rabbit, Run; Rabbit Redux; Rabbit is Rich; Rabbit at Rest (Everyman's Library)
ISBN: 0679444599 (ISBN13: 9780679444596)
Edition Language: English
Series: Rabbit Angstrom #1-4
Free Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels (Rabbit Angstrom #1-4) Books Online
Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels (Rabbit Angstrom #1-4) Hardcover | Pages: 1520 pages
Rating: 4.26 | 1564 Users | 150 Reviews

Present Appertaining To Books Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels (Rabbit Angstrom #1-4)

Title:Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels (Rabbit Angstrom #1-4)
Author:John Updike
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 1520 pages
Published:October 17th 1995 by Everyman's Library (first published October 17th 1994)
Categories:Fiction. Literature. Novels. Classics

Chronicle Concering Books Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels (Rabbit Angstrom #1-4)

When we first met him in Rabbit, Run (1960), the book that established John Updike as a major novelist, Harry (Rabbit) Angstrom is playing basketball with some boys in an alley in Pennsylvania during the tail end of the Eisenhower era, reliving for a moment his past as a star high school athlete. Athleticism of a different sort is on display throughout these four magnificent novels—the athleticism of an imagination possessed of the ability to lay bare, with a seemingly effortless animal grace, the enchantments and disenchantments of life. Updike revisited his hero toward the end of each of the following decades in the second half of this American century; and in each of the subsequent novels, as Rabbit, his wife, Janice, his son, Nelson, and the people around them grow, these characters take on the lineaments of our common existence. In prose that is one of the glories of contemporary literature, Updike has chronicled the frustrations and ambiguous triumphs, the longuers, the loves and frenzies, the betrayals and reconciliations of our era. He has given us our representative American story. This Rabbit Angstrom volume is composed of the following novels: Rabbit, Run; Rabbit Redux; Rabbit is Rich; and Rabbit at Rest.

Rating Appertaining To Books Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels (Rabbit Angstrom #1-4)
Ratings: 4.26 From 1564 Users | 150 Reviews

Criticism Appertaining To Books Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels (Rabbit Angstrom #1-4)

I read Rabbit Run in the 60s probably mostly for prurient reasons. The four novels included here (Rabbit Run, Rabbit Redux, Rabbit is Rich, Rabbit at Rest), as well as a separately published novella sequel, Rabbit Remembered, were written over 40 years and follow Rabbit as he moves through his life in small town Pennsylvania, based on Shillington, where Updike grew up. Rabbit Run seemed overwritten and under plotted, but I hung in there and was rewarded many times over. Each book is better than

Last week I was reading an article by John Updike and was struck (as usual) by the simplicity and lucidness of his prose. That got me thinking about his works that I have read and the result is this post on the Rabbit series of novels. The Rabbit tetralogy is a series of 4 novels written by John Updike, tracing the life of 'Harry Rabbit Angstrom', from his mid 20's to the next 4 decades. The novels were also written over a period of 4 decades with one novel being published in one decade starting

Probably four of the very best modern novels i have ever read.

Having read these 4 novels one after another, I couldn't have even considered picking up another novel until I had finished. I don't believe it matters whether you like or dislike Rabbit; the writing is what it is all about.Personally I liked Rabbit and all his failings. Updike is possibly the most honest author I have ever come across - especially when dealing with the male experience. Rabbit thinks as many men think, whether poor, rust belt American or not. Male readers who claim they haven't

I read books 1 and 2 in a different volume, but picked this one up because it was used and it ended up being $10 cheaper to buy this used volume than to just pick up the paperback versions of 3 and 4. Since finishing, I've switched to reading on my new Kindle. The juxtaposition of this 1500 page mammoth and the Kindle makes reading on a Kindle feel almost like cheating.But perhaps the weight of this novel is a good thing. Makes you work for closure on Rabbit's life, rather than breezing through

Absolutely worth the re-read thirty years after the original read.Language is a vivid second time around, and what was new then is history now. Misogyny even creepier now, no female imperfection misses the gimlet eye. Occasioned a re-read of his bio and a driving trip through Updike-land to see his house, school, graveyard and the dreaded farm - all still there and a lot of familiar secondary character names on tombstones - no RIP there.

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