Details Books During The Return of Philip Latinowicz

Original Title: Povratak Filipa Latinovicza
ISBN: 0810112469 (ISBN13: 9780810112469)
Edition Language: English
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The Return of Philip Latinowicz Paperback | Pages: 232 pages
Rating: 3.49 | 2252 Users | 67 Reviews

List Based On Books The Return of Philip Latinowicz

Title:The Return of Philip Latinowicz
Author:Miroslav Krleža
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 232 pages
Published:March 29th 1995 by Northwestern University Press (first published 1932)
Categories:Classics. Fiction

Rendition As Books The Return of Philip Latinowicz

Philip Latinowics is a successful but disillusioned painter who returns to his hometown on Croatia's Danubian plain after an absence of twenty-three years. He hopes that revisiting his cultural roots will inspire him to create the perfect work of art and thereby restore his faith in both art and life. Haunted by his troubled childhood, however, he falls in with shady characters and discovers the emotional, intellectual, and imaginative poverty of his background.

Rating Based On Books The Return of Philip Latinowicz
Ratings: 3.49 From 2252 Users | 67 Reviews

Judge Based On Books The Return of Philip Latinowicz
While the first half of the book seems as rather difficult and confusing,second half comes as a great reward and culmination. Implications of this plot and main character are relatable to everyday's life. Also the scenes from Filip's life are brilliantly composed.

I read this because it was a favorite of Sartre. I don't think we have the same taste in literature...

I can see the merit in it but it has dated poorly imo.

Nedorađeno i zapravo nedovršeno djelo. Primjerice prebrzo se odvija zbližavanje Bobočke i Filipa. Sama Bobočka nije dovoljno psihološki produbljena. Lik rastrganog intelektualca i njegovu životnu sudbinu daleko bolje stvaraju, psihološki karakteriziraju Ulderiko Donadini ili Ivo Kozarčanin. Krleža je kao čovjek bio ljigavac koji se uvaljivao u guzicu moćnicima te je isključivo radi onoga što obični narod zove politika smatran tako dobar i cijenjen pisac.Žalosno je da se pored Donadinija ili

kyriales me dokrajčio.

I barely found material to give it 2 stars.

Svitalo je, kada je Filip stigao na kaptolski kolodvor. Dvadeset i tri godine nije ga zapravo bilo u ovom zakutku...Priča o povratku... povratku kući, u panonsko blato i gnjilu stvarnost tog podneblja, povratku detinjstvu i korenima, povratku majci i sebi...Godine između, ostaće za nas, čitaoce, kao progutane, u skoro potpunom mraku, tek nagoveštene...Filip Latinović, slikar, sada već u četrdesetim godinama, vraća se u svoj rodni kraj. Rastrzan, mučen pitanjima, u jeku krize sopstvenog